Tuesday, May 19, 2009

On Collections...

I think my wife would agree with me when I say that I've colleceted far too many things in my life... Baseball cards, Comic books, Weapons (the martial arts kind), an absolutely absurd amount of DVDs, and of course the books that line the walls of my office...

As a musician and a lover of music, I have also of course accumulated quite a ridiculous number of CDs as well. Something I've been noticing lately is just how much of my music is actually film scores and soundtracks; particularly from 80's movies.

My latest acquisition is limited edition 2-disk score from "Masters of the Universe". I absolutely love it. Is Dolph Lundgren absolutey terrible in this film? Of course he is - it's one of those "so bad it's good" roles. Is the score a total rip-off of John Williams' "Star Wars" score? Of ccourse it is - which of course was a total rip off of Holst's "Planets"...

Nevertheless, listening to Bill Conti's work brings me a flood of old memories. He's good at that... Rocky, Karate Kid... all Bill Conti's work. What's scaring me now however is how much some of these rare out-of-print soundtracks go for... My wishlist includes the scores to "Ghostbusters" and "The Last Starfighter", which both regularly go for $75-$100 on ebay.

I previosly tried to save some money by downloading iTunes versions of some soundtracks... but all things considered, I'd rather have the physical CDs...

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